Lessons from My Highly Sensitive Dog
Therapist and HSP, Lorren Siu LMFT, shares what she has learned from raising a Highly Sensitive Dog. Just like any Highly Sensitive Person, HSDs can become overwhelmed and need support to make it through the scary things in life. Read the full post to learn more.
How To Adjust to Change
Therapist and HSP, Lorren Siu LMFT, talks about why change can be hard on us and ways to make facing changes easier. If you have anxiety, trauma, or are a Highly Sensitive Person struggling with change, read on for more.
How To Calm Your Nervous System
Therapist and HSP, Lorren Siu LMFT, shares a technique to help calm your nervous system. If you are feeling anxious, stressed, or overwhelmed you might be looking for ways to find relief. Mindfulness and relaxation practices are a great way to get in tune with your body and help it let go of the stress it is carrying.
2 Tips for Highly Sensitive Persons (HSP)
Therapist and HSP, Lorren Siu LMFT, shares 2 tips about how to structure life as a highly sensitive person. She looks at the importance of choosing appropriate self-care activities and tailoring environments and situations to be less overwhelming for HSPs.
What is Attachment Trauma in Adults?
Attachment trauma occurs when there is a disruption in the relationship between a child and their caregivers. Individuals who have experienced attachment trauma are often impacted by depression and anxiety and struggle to form healthy relationships with others. The effects of attachment trauma can be lifelong when not addressed; however, they can be minimized and even reversed through intentional healing.
What is a Highly Sensitive Person?
Learn what it means to be a highly sensitive person from an HSP therapist. Highly sensitive people make up 15-20% of the population and are often misunderstood by others, and even themselves. They take in and respond to information differently than others do. HSPs, or highly sensitive persons, are not simply shy, there is much more to what it means to be highly sensitive.
3 Reasons Why AI Therapy Chatbots Are Not Therapy
My biased position is that AI therapy chatbots might be able to point you in the direction of helpful information, but they should not and cannot replace therapy. Therapy is a place not just to learn about anxiety or depression and the top 10 things that will improve your dating relationship. Therapy is a chance to see yourself in a way you have not had the opportunity to before and break free from old patterns.
The Myth of Resilient Children
I have come to believe that many needs children have that are not labeled essential actually are just that. Not all of us received the nurturing care that we needed as children, but we can heal the wounds in our souls that came from that lack of care, and we can grow healthy and strong relationally and emotionally.
Why Can the Holidays be so Hard?
Sometimes what some say is the happiest time of the year can be the hardest time of the year for others. If you find yourself resonating with the latter, please know you are not alone.
Can You Self-Brainspot?
Self-brainspotting can be a way to give our brain the chance to finish processing things. Experiences that left us feeling overwhelmed or alone are best processed in therapy where attunement can allow our brains to truly feel safe again.
What is Brainspotting Therapy?
Brainspotting therapy allows your nervous system to process trauma in a safe environment. It gives your brain the signal it is safe again and gives your nervous system the ok to stop watching so closely for danger.
What is Therapy?
What exactly is therapy anyway? Learn more about the way that therapy can help bring about impactful change for your mental and emotional wellbeing.
Why go to Therapy?
What is it about therapy that is so different than talking to anyone else? Therapy is about having a safe space to explore your internal experiences.
Grief and the Importance of Making Space
Grief, in particular, is one emotion many prefer to skip over…Making space for these emotions helps us remember that it is ok to feel the way we are feeling.
Enneagram Type Nine: What It's Like
Learn more about how it is to do life as an Enneagram type 9.
Self Care: Finding Balance
Most likely you are here because your life as it is right now is not working for you. You are on the edge of burnout. Let’s change that!
New Year…New You?
Many of us set lofty New Year’s Resolutions only to find ourselves falling short soon after. What if this year was different? With a little change of focus, it just might be possible to truly make this year your best year yet!
Holiday Survival Guide 2021
Not everything about the holiday season is merry and bright, in fact, some of it is downright dreadful and scary. It’s totally ok to feel that way! The holidays can be a lot to get through, but don’t underestimate the big impact these small changes can have!
How To Do More Self Care
Many of us are very good at taking care of those around us, but not so great at our own self care. Perhaps this is true of you? You always know how to cheer others up and are the person your friends and family go to when things get tough.