Anxiety Therapy
Living with Anxiety is No Small Feat
Every day is a struggle. Even before you are fully awake your mind is already racing through all of the tasks you need to accomplish today. The list keeps growing by the second, and then you start to think about all of the things that could go wrong or have already. You’re still half-asleep and you’re already exhausted! You know you need to get up and get your day going, but you can’t seem to even get out of bed. There is so much to do and you doubt your ability to use your time wisely. How will you ever do all that you need to today? Before you know it, you have spent more time in bed than you care to admit and you feel the pressure to be productive with your day mounting. If it were a tea kettle it would be whistling at the highest pitch!
You are finally able to get your day rolling, but the pressure does not let up. As you move through your list of items that must get done, more and more things keep getting added to the list. There is no sense of relief even as you finish something; instead, you live with the sinking feeling that you did it wrong or that it’s not enough. You know that someone else could have done a much better job, and worse, that everyone else knows that fact also. At the end of the day you are left with an even longer list of items to do than you started with, an ever-growing list of reasons why you are disappointed with yourself, and the feeling that you just don’t measure up in life.
Needless to say, falling asleep at night is no easy task with all of that on your mind. You do all of the things you’re supposed to do - stick with your nighttime routine, give yourself time to wind down, even try to stay off your phone - but you just can’t fall asleep. Sometimes you even wake up at night and find yourself awake for hours. And then, when the morning does come the same vicious cycle starts all over again.
I get it! I have been there, too!
Living with anxiety is no small feat - I understand what the pressure can feel like and how each day and night can be a struggle. I also know what it is like to break free from the grip of anxiety and find freedom! And I have helped so many people find their way out of the struggle as well.
Tools for Lasting Change
When you work with me we will take a deep, but gentle dive into your anxiety. Together we will look at the things in your life that contribute to your anxiety.
You will not only learn skills to manage your anxiety; using Brainspotting, Internal Family Systems, and a Psychodynamic approach I will help you get to know yourself in a new way so that you can care for yourself with gentleness and compassion.
The change will not be immediate, but as you do the work you will find relief from the relentless anxiety that has plagued you for so long. And when you do, you will find joy and gratitude in your day-to-day life in place of disappointment and dread.
You will learn how to truly give yourself the gift of rest and how to celebrate your accomplishments, big and small. You will, at last, be happy in life.